- Use only plain HTML, try to avoid Javascript, flash and DHTML.
- If you require CSS, place the style outside of the <head> tags.
- Create full “absolute” links to any images you wish to include.
- Avoid using words and phrases such as, “Click here”, “Free”, “No obligation” and “Trial”, as these will increase the spam rating with most leading anti-spam filters.
- The email should contain at least 50% text where possible, avoid creating emails filled predominantly with images.
- Try to avoid placing text or image links, directing to .biz or .info locations, as these may have a negative effect with anti-spam filters.
- Try to create compelling and informative subject lines, keeping to seven words or less where possible.
- Sending your email at the beginning of the week, or the beginning of the day, means you will be catching your customer base at a point where they are less overwhelmed, and more likely to take note.